Practical Ways To Stop Losing Your Car Keys
In years past, replacing an auto key was quite simple. However, thanks to technology updates, replacing a key for your car isn't just a more time-consuming process, but it can also be very costly. Avoiding a lost key becomes the main goal. If you have a habit of misplacing your keys, here are just some of the things you can do to minimize this concern.
Establish A Habit
Consider establishing a habit for when you get out of your car each time. For example, when you turn off your vehicle, make it a habit to immediately toss your keys in your purse or your pocket. The more you do this, the more natural it becomes and the less likely you are to misplace your keys while out and about.
If you have a newer vehicle, you should be able to engage the locking mechanism before you even close the door on the vehicle, so you will have no need to take your keys back out of your pocket or purse.
Rely On Technology
These days, you can do just about anything from your smartphone, including keep track of your keys. If you have a notoriously bad habit of losing your keys, this is an investment you should seriously consider. With this technology, you place a sensor-like device on your key ring.
This device then connects with the app on your smart phone, serving as somewhat of a GPS locator. With some of these programs, if you travel a certain distance away from the key, it will send an alert to your phone to ensure you haven't left your keys somewhere.
Install A Glow Strip
If your problem is that you lose and lock your keys in your car often, a simple glow strip is a great solution. Just as its name sounds, glow strips are basically glowing, tape-like strips that you can attach to your keys.
If you get off of work when it's dark outside and sometimes forget to take the keys out of the ignition, the illumination from the glow strip can help remind you to remove your keys. These strips can wear off over time, but they are inexpensive and easy to re-install so it's not a problem.
In the event you lose your key, an auto locksmith can help you gain access to your vehicle the safe and correct way. Avoid seemingly easy do-it-yourself techniques that often come along with costly vehicle damage, and rely on a professional from a company like Autolock Solutions.