What Not To Do When You Want A Safer Home
The last thing that you want to do is to leave yourself open to a break-in in your home. It's the one place that you and all of your family members should feel safe. You should also be able to lock your doors when you leave and feel like your belongings aren't in danger of being stolen. There are some things that you could be accidentally doing around your home that can increase the likeliness of your home falling victim to a criminal. By learning what these things are, you will be able to avoid them and create a safer home for yourself, your family, and everything in your home. This article will cover 4 things you don't want to do:
Don't hide your keys in a well-known spot
Most people like to keep an extra set of keys outside of their home in case they misplace their set or if someone else needs to come in when they aren't home. This is fine as long as you hide them in a spot that you know no one else will find them in. One example of a good spot is in a hole that's a few inches deep that's been covered with packed dirt and that has a rock on it. Someone may look under the rock, but they won't suspect that anything is down in the packed dirt.
Don't leave your belongings in your car
A lot of people tend to get comfortable with leaving spare keys, wallets, and/or purses in their car. Then, they park their car in front of their house or even in the garage. The problem with this is that many cars fall prey to break-ins, even those parked inside of a garage. When this happens, you have just allowed the criminal to end up with either the keys to your home or a lot of your important and personal information.
Don't leave your doors unlocked
Most people already know not to leave their doors unlocked, but many still tend to do so at one time or another. Your doors should remain locked at any time when you don't specifically need them to be open. Criminals these days are known to even walk into homes in broad daylight, so you can never be too safe.
Don't leave your windows open
Just as how you don't want to leave your doors unlocked, you also don't want to leave your windows open. If you like to sleep with your windows open, then you should have window guards installed on them to help keep someone from coming in.
Some precautions you should take
You should have a commercial locksmith from a company like ASAP Lock Service come out and take a look around your home. Have them check all your locks and replace any they find concerning with some they feel will better secure your home for you.